May the sixth sense kick in

Sometimes I do believe people who claim there’s a sixth sense in every human being. Apparently, this is the sense that usually warns a person if something bad is happening or about to happen, which is why it is important to listen to it at all times. Unfortunately, if I have this 6 th sense in me, my sixth sense never warned me when I needed it the most. Growing up as a tomboy in the rural areas was one of the most challenging experiences for me during my teenage years. Although some people understood me, many couldn't. I was always bothered by what society thought of me. My dress code and association with boys gave everybody a different perspective of me. With the passage of time, I began to not care about it! It was either I lived my life the way I wanted and be happy or live how I was expected by people and be unhappy. And so, I chose me! Some people would call me names, but I was not bothered much because I knew who I was. They did not have the right to know why I of...