Through the window I got my freedom

Now that I’ve got your full attention, I know you’re asking yourself how a window helped me get my freedom. Well, it is not what you may be thinking, but actually something slightly different, something more dramatic than it sounds. It is what it is! My siblings and I were raised by a single mother, a primary school teacher. My mother taught the first grade, while my siblings attended various upper classes in the same school. At 4-years-old, I was too young to go to school. Since my mother and siblings all went to school, I was often left behind in the house, just one of the few in the teachers’ quarters next to the school. I would be all alone in the house, spending most of my time watching TV, playing different games – that ended up boring the childhood life out of me – and sleeping. It may seem disturbing, but I was not a chaotic child. I guess that’s why my mother trusted me to the extent of leaving me all alone in the house. During break time though, my elder sister would...