Sometimes they say every girl's dream is to get married one day. This is true in most cases, but we must not forget that there are some girls who don’t believe in marriage anymore. After four years of being in a relationship with my boyfriend, Sam, I realised that marriage was just a fantasy. Although I had a wish of getting married one day, Sam's attitude towards marriage made me realise that as long as I was with him, my wish would never come true. So, throwing the towel on marriage became the easiest thing to do. Sam was an introvert, a less talk and more action type of man. He was very secretive and liked surprises. "Baby you know I don't like surprises", I said one day when he bought me an expensive gift without my approval. But Sam being Sam, he never listened. One evening Sam visited me, and he was in a good mood. I was getting used to his exciting mood especially when it was his payday. "Surprise!" He shouted while showing me two flight tic...