
Showing posts from December, 2020


There are some things that many people fail to accept even in the 21 st century. Some people still cannot accept homosexual people. It is worse with parents because they end up disowning their own kids, their own flesh and blood. Such an act ends up hurting them (parents) in the process, though they do not realise at that particular moment. Most people still believe that homosexual people are either faking about who they are or are simply demon-possessed. Some people even hurl insults and show sings of disgust whenever they come across a homosexual person. During my youth days I had a gay friend, Sandziso. Well, I did not know about his sexuality at first, but I am happy now that I know. I met him at my 8 th grade. I was a newcomer and did not know anyone in the school. For the most times I was completely lonely at the school, with no one to talk to and share my lunch with for an entire week. After a week of loneliness, I saw a handsome and charming guy sitting in class, busy with hi...


Why do we dream when sometimes our dreams do not come true? Is it because they are not worth it? Or maybe they are way too big to become a reality? I wonder what life is like because I have seen many people dreaming about a lot of things, but even today their dreams are being delayed or completely shuttered, while other people’s dreams come true just at the right time. Anyway, my daughter recently told me a story about a girl she always idolises, who always had a special dream. There was a little girl who stayed in an orphanage, named Emma. Her dream was to become the best and famous singer in the whole world. She started singing when she was very young such that those around her would make fun of her and mockingly call her “BeyoncĂ©”. As the years progressed, so did her passion for music and stardom.   Emma would spend most of her time singing. She would sing while doing home chores, walking to school and when she was bathing. Before her evening prayers, she would start by singing....