Why do we dream when sometimes our dreams do not come true? Is it because they are not worth it? Or maybe they are way too big to become a reality? I wonder what life is like because I have seen many people dreaming about a lot of things, but even today their dreams are being delayed or completely shuttered, while other people’s dreams come true just at the right time.

Anyway, my daughter recently told me a story about a girl she always idolises, who always had a special dream.

There was a little girl who stayed in an orphanage, named Emma. Her dream was to become the best and famous singer in the whole world. She started singing when she was very young such that those around her would make fun of her and mockingly call her “BeyoncĂ©”. As the years progressed, so did her passion for music and stardom.  

Emma would spend most of her time singing. She would sing while doing home chores, walking to school and when she was bathing. Before her evening prayers, she would start by singing. Music literally became part of her life.

Many people in Emma’s community loved her and the way she sang. Besides people praising her angelic and touching voice, Emma had a very good sense of humour. She was very dedicated to what she does, always calm and respectful to everybody no matter how old you were, and she loved sharing laughs with people. She even became the leader of her church’s praise team.

But, as we know that no matter what you can do and how good you can be to people, there will always be haters who would hate you for nothing. That was what Emma also experienced. She was hated by a few – her friends. Even though Emma tried to maintain her friendship with her friends, it became difficult since they made sure that whatever she did, they would undermine it and badmouth her. When she was not around, they would call her a “weirdo”. However, despite everything, the ever passionate girl, Emma, never lost courage nor confidence on her dream of becoming the best and famous singer.

Then one day when a male famous singer visited the orphanage to donate some things, he heard Emma singing. “You are so talented my girl!” he said surprisingly after hearing Emma singing a “Thank you” song to him. He was very pleased to hear a young talented girl with such a beautiful voice.

Without hesitation, the man asked Emma’s guardian whether it was possible to take Emma and teach her more about music. “No kid is allowed to be taken without being adopted, Sir”, Emma’s guardian responded. Since the man was so determined about what he said, he was willing to do whatever was necessary for Emma to finally follow her passion of music.  And so, he adopted her.

Finally! Someone was willing to hold Emma’s hand to help her pursue her dream. Emma was so excited about everything. She could not hold her tears when she heard the good news that finally her dream would become a reality.

Within some couple of days, Emma was officially adopted. She then started visiting music-recording studios after school. Those who hated Emma and always badmouthed her, started regretting everything they did since her dream was becoming a reality. And, yes indeed, her road of becoming famous started to be clearer. As Emma's music career started looking like a clear possibility, she was now less trusting of friends and close people. This was the conflict inside of her, because she had to trust people on her way up and would meet new friends along her way up. This bothered her, but she was nonetheless happy that she had achieved one part of her dream despite the negativity from her own friends, whom she loved dearly and trusted.


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