I couldn't help it when I saw the tent full of people. I didn't know what to do – cry out openly or just remain sad – but reality kicked in that you were no more.

A day before, I climbed that mountain, that mountain we always talked about. The one that we had to go home and get my cows, remember that? That mountain a lot of people in Timbutini knew by heart and not physically, because you have been telling them about it.

Today I’m here, the tent is full, and the words are stunning, what they are saying about you.

I am deeply hurt though. Since I came home, I have been a stranger. A stranger as if I never knew you. A stranger as if "Alpha and Omega" never existed. You would have seen how empty our home was, but no matter what, I just left to mourn you where I thought you would be with me in spirit.

When everything happened, the drama, the strange looks and everything, made me miss you more than you can imagine because I knew you would take me for a drink, just to destress. I missed how we would jokingly talk about things and laugh about the whole issue as if nothing happened. I missed a lot of things.

Anyway, sobbing about it doesn't help right now. I hate myself for lying daily that I was going home when I knew I would see you after a while. I heard that you were expecting me, "I’m sorry, I won't pay that bill" and I didn't come.

What do I tell Sjava? I couldn't tell him that you are gone. I really can't because he wants to go home to you. "Emshana asambe phezulu", how do you expect me to tell him that the only uncle he was left with is now gone? I’m sorry, brother, but I can't do it.

Right now, many people are telling me how they knew everything was to go about. Why didn't you come to me? Tell me that you were going to die!!

I’m sorry, I am led by emotions, I am angry because everything happened as if I’m not your sister, like I’m not the one you would do shisanyama with every 15th when we were going to buy food.

Anyway, I’m here with the crew (Vundlas, Fanosh, Bilis, Mahubo and Fundy), strangers as we are in your home, but your hometown people are happy to see us. I didn't believe that you have been telling them about our "Alpha and Omega" thing.

Brooo, rest in peace, I’m now leaving. I wanted to see your face for the last time. I thought I would see your dripping mouth, that smile when I surprised you whenever I came home unannounced, everything that we did together. But then, you will always live on with us.

Your dad played your voice note, the one you used for Mavundla's phone. And they knew him. 

Broo, I will see you on the other side. The Ingwavuma Mountain is waiting for us. We don't want to go there at night, just to avoid what happened when we were coming here. You know better when we are together, but I can assure you that they deserved it.


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