Growing up in poor rural area, where bullying was rife, was one of the most difficult things that were experienced by Sizwe in his life. Even though Sizwe and his siblings were raised by both parents, life at home was so miserable. Both of his parents were unemployed, so sometimes they would all sleep on empty stomachs. Most of their clothes were torn because their parents could not afford to buy them new ones.

Sizwe was the eldest. Looking after his younger siblings was his responsibility. During break-time at school, Sizwe had to make sure that his younger siblings had eaten enough from the school kitchen or carried some food to last them until they came back the following 
day to eat at school. Food at home was not something they had in abundance.

Sizwe was generally known as a quiet person. He spent most of his spare time studying alone. Sometimes he would be at the back of their house at home and classes, sitting alone. Even though he was one of the brilliant students at school, he experienced a lot bullying from other school kids especially. He did not have friends, but silently he hoped to have them. Somehow everyone kept their distance. Some even referred to him as a zombie, describing him by the state of his torn clothes. Being alone became normal to him. Over time he started to enjoy his own company.

As Sizwe got older, he started to change. Joining the most powerful gang was always his dream. Most of the gang members he knew were very successful. This had all promises of financial success, independence and generally realised that it would give him some power. It promised a way out of the life of being a victim of bullying. He was tired of being laughed at and being poor. He always wanted to provide for his family and change their lives. Although he knew that the life he was choosing was dangerous, getting rich was all he dreamt of.

And so he decided to drop out of school, went to the city where over time he joined the most dangerous gang in the nearest city. That was after eating from the rubbish bins for about two years.

After about two months of being a gang member, selling drugs, it paid off. His dreams were becoming true. He started to provide for his family, buying groceries and giving money to his parents. His younger siblings also started to look presentable and wore proper uniform and clothes. Over the following months he started to build a big beautiful big house for his family. It was well furnished.

Sizwe’s parents started to be suspicious of his work and where he was getting the all the money, but he told them that he was working a proper job that paid very well. His parents started to rely heavily on him for money and groceries. He saved some of his drug money for his siblings’ education.

Despite the life of drug dealing, Sizwe somehow still realised the necessity for him to go back to school and have a proper career. It was not easy. During the day he was at school and after school he was working – selling drugs.
After five years of schooling, Sizwe graduated from his Law studies. His parents were so excited and all the doubt they had about him vanished when he invited them into his graduation.   

Sizwe became a role model to many children in his community. Although they did not know what he was doing before he graduated, due to the improvements he made at home, he was defined as a “hero”.

Within a year after graduating, he was offered a job in one of the biggest companies in the country. But his riches were from the proceeds of drugs and gangster work. He still avoids confronting the morality of these riches and his life. He wants to believe that it was all God’s plan. He is thinking about quitting the gang, but he knows the harsh consequences of quitting. The gang members would kill him.


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