Picture courtesy: Toy Ideas

I know many people will disagree with me when I say allow your kids to be free, open-minded and to choose their paths in life. Others will ask and say, "how is that possible?". Maybe others will even say "not my kid!"

Well, here is the thing, I am not talking about the obvious things that parents, elder siblings or guardians should provide to their kids, like discipline, teaching them to respect others, etc! I am not saying that you should not give directions or guide either, but mbonise – guide them. Everyone makes decisions about their lives, and they need support. That also applies to children.

So, before I confuse you, my point is not on the general stuff, but mainly on career choices at a young age.

It is important to expose your kid to different career choices at a young age, because this is where they show their strengths and capabilities, likes and dislikes, interests and personalities, etc.

Kids can show their talents through toys and other things. The way they play with their toys, how they handle them, and of course what they do with them are all important indicators of where their talents and outlooks lie.

The types of toys you buy for your kids are also important. It is important to not limit kids to the same types of toys because of their gender. Always ensure to expose the kids to all types of toys possible as a way of exposing them to life in its fullest.

For instance, when you buy toys for your kids, they become curious to know what is inside. These are instances where kids tear their toys apart. As a parent, it is important to analyse that, that it must mean something. It is not because they are naughty, but it means they are curious. They somehow feel that inside there must be something that might be beneficial to their future. 

Okay, they are behaving that way, and it seems like misbehaviour, but then what must one do? Simple! Be supportive so that they can excel on that part. Maybe bring more material, test them. Of course, there are many ways they can show signs. So, as parents and guardians, let us analyse everything.

Some will agree that when we were growing up, our parents were the ones that were deciding on our career paths. "I don't want you to do engineering, be a doctor". "I want you to be a lawyer". Those are some of the things they used to say. Then you ask yourself whether they were directing us that way because they knew we were capable or they were fixing their mistakes. A mistake of not being able to do it themselves, and now pushing us along that road they regret not taking!

Many will tell you that they took up careers that their parents wanted for them to pay fees. Others will tell you that they were disowned for choosing what they were passionate about. Of course, some were given proper directions by their parents, and they were fortunate in that regard.

Let us allow the kids to be, and not choose for them. They are the future, and with our support as young as they are, they can build the economy of the country – and the world.

Anyway, let me continue with my long journey. What sparked this thought was one of the mothers I am in transit with. She was conversing with her child, telling her that she wants her to be a nurse and not an electrician!



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