Oh, well, you know how sometimes braais, or end-of-year parties, go.

If you have never been to any, make sure you do. There is happiness, arguments, fights and this and that, but what matters at the end of everything is the happiness among the people there. The arguments and fights tend to often lead to unity!

People often believe that an introvert person like me can never be associated with big crowds, but here is the thing; it depends who I am with and where I am!

Sometime in November 2022, I attended my second end-of-year braai ever in life. My first was when I was 14 years old. I was with my sister and brother, so I could not enjoy drinking alcohol since I was young and had to steal it. 

Last year’s braai was something else. I remember traveling a day before from my place to where we were supposed to the departure point the following day. I could not stop thinking about the journey. All that was running through my mind was the fun we would have, the drinking we would do and the traveling. 

And that is when I realised that, actually, I like traveling long distances with friends and colleagues, especially when alcohol is involved.

The braai weekend came, different people messaging us from the WhatsApp group we had created: "my bags are ready", "please wait for me, I am knocking off at work around 12", "I am on my way", "we are leaving around 2pm, make sure you are all here by then", etc.

All those interactions just brought butterflies in my tummy.

Although it was drizzling that day, my mind and soul were ready for that weekend. I couldn’t care less about other things but only the journey before us.

My bag was already packed and my plastic bags were fully loaded with beer and wine.

Our transport arrived. I remember it was an old model Ford bakkie belonging to a comrade. A huge bakkie. It had a tent to cover those who would be seated at the back, of which I was one of them.

Those who knocked off late at work, we picked along the way.

Then the journey started, beers popped open, back seaters started conversations, laughing and singing. Well, a little bit of fighting here and there, but nothing serious.

After six hours of travel, getting lost along the way, we finally arrived at the braai venue.

I could not believe it when we reached the place. Somehow, umzwangedwa started rising up and there and then I started asking myself many questions, one of which was whether I had done the right thing to attend. But more was still to happen which, till this day, make me go on so many deep reflections about everything, everyone, and my life.


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